
Building Inspections

Administrative and technical information surrounding the Inspections process.

Required Inspections

Driveway Culvert & Bridge Permits

If a new culvert is required at your property, you will need to acquire the necessary permits to do so before making the replacement.

Fire Hydrant Permit

If you are needing to connect to a fire hydrant, apply for a fire hydrant permit by filling out the application.

Highway Works Application and Permit

If you plan on working on roads or sidewalks in Chilliwack, please apply for a free highway works application to receive a permit.

NAFS Specification for Windows, Doors, and Skylights

Effective January 1, 2014 , for buildings constructed under Part 9 of the 2012 BC Building Code, any windows, doors and skylights must be selected and installed in accordance with NAFS.

Open Air Burning Permits

Burning Permits are issued by the Fire Dept for two separate seasons of the year.