Crime Prevention Toolkit (Crime Mapping)

Learn how to keep your community safe with crime prevention tools and tips, and access the Chilliwack Crime Map to learn what steps you can take to better prevent crime in your area. If you know something about a crime that is listed on the crime map, provide information directly to Crime Stoppers through the report tip function.

Auto Theft (cars, trucks)

Thieves are always adapting and looking for new ways to steal vehicles. Learn about opportunities thieves look for and how to protect yourself from auto crime.

ICBC: Preventing Auto Crime
RCMP: Preventing Theft from and of Vehicles

Other Vehicle Theft (motorhome, atv, etc.)

Taking a few preventative measures can prevent thieves from running away with recreational vehicles. Lock up ATVs with a quality chain and lock, secure motorhomes, and take the necessary steps to protect your property

ICBC: Preventing Auto Crime
RCMP: Preventing Theft from and of Vehicles

Theft From Vehicle

If you leave valuables in your vehicle, you can expect them to be gone when you return, especially if you don’t lock your car doors. As almost 50% of theft from vehicles in Chilliwack occurs from unlocked cars, please lock your doors and take your valuables with you, even if you are only going to be away for a few minutes.

ICBC: Preventing Auto Crime
RCMP: Preventing Theft from and of Vehicles

Bicycle Theft

Bikes can take only a moment to steal. Always lock up your bike with a good quality chain and lock through the frame and wheels. Learn other preventative measures to help reduce the chance of having your bicycle stolen.

RCMP: Protect your Bike from Theft

B&E - Commercial

Landscaping, building appearance, and store layout can all play a role in protecting your business.

RCMP: Protect your Business

B&E - Other (sheds, barns, detached garages, construction sites, fenced compounds, etc)

Secure auxiliary buildings like you would secure your home, business or vehicle, and prevent thieves from entering.

RCMP: Home Security Tips

B&E - Residential

Everyone wants to feel safe in their home. Learn more about the simple steps you can take to keep your property safe from thieves.

RCMP: Home Security Tips
Crime Free Multi Housing


Project 529: Register your bike

If you own a bicycle, protect it by registering with Project 529 Garage. The City of Chilliwack’s Public Safety Advisory Committee, Community Policing Services, Restorative Justice, local bike shops and the cycling community have worked together to effectively bring Project 529 Garage to Chilliwack.