
The Planning Department is responsible for current and long range planning, development (rezoning, ALR applications and permits) business and business licencing.

Development Planning

Development in Chilliwack is guided by the City's bylaws and policies and subject to approval processes that may involve external agencies. There are a number of site conditions and constraints that have implications for development. For information, Chilliwack has prepared a number of resources to assist with common development enquiries.

2040 Official Community Plan

Chilliwack’s Official Community Plan (OCP) contains goals, objectives and policies that presents a long term vision and growth strategy that embraces all aspects of community development, ranging from physical planning (land use/transportation/utility), to economic development, environmental protection/ enhancement, and social/ cultural initiatives. The OCP also establishes development permit areas and guides a number secondary plans (adopted as appendices to the OCP), strategies, and policies.

Neighbourhood Planning

Chilliwack has many distinct neighbourhoods, which generally fall into three categories according to their shared characteristics: urban areas, hillside areas, and rural areas. Approved or endorsed neighbourhood plans are found in the links provided below, and many are adopted by Council as appendices to the City's 2040 Official Community Plan (Schedule D).

Long Range Planning

Long range planning includes the development of land use plans, strategies, policies, and regulations to guide growth and development in Chilliwack. Long range planning also includes studies of key topics or emerging trends, and provides policy background or guidance to update regulatory tools or shift evolving City practices. This work involves engaging with residents and stakeholders, collaborating with City departments and Committees, and discussions with City Council.

Population and Development Statistics

Statistics Canada collects demographic information every 5 years when it conducts its Census of Population. This page includes demographic information for the City of Chilliwack based on the Statistics Canada Census.